Friday, September 24, 2010

esay evo bio

persiapan buat ulangan yaw :D

1. Name three chemical components of cell!
2. Draw the scheme of fluid mosaic membrane proposed by Singer amd Nicholson!
3. Explain other types of protein and fat in the cell membrane system (fluid mosaic)!
4. Name four characteristics of animal cells!
5. Explain three types of plastid!
6. Name three characteristics of plant cells!
7. Explain the mechanism of active transportation and give its example(s)!
8. Explain the mechanism of diffusion and give its example(s)!
9. Explain the mechanism of osmosis and give its example(s)!
10. Explain the differences between endocytosis and exocytosis!
11. Name three people who had proposed the theories of cell!
12. Why is water the vital element for the body?
13. Is cell wall included to cell organelle?
14. Is the function of smooth endoplasmic reticulum and rough endoplasmic reticulum similar?
15. How come that lysosome has the function of autophage in the cell?

good luck kawan :)

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